
A Sound Soul (Revamped) Prologue 1

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*New York City*
*A dark alley near the city limits*

We were waiting for it. The soul eating monster. They’re called kishins. Deadly beasts that gain power by eating human souls. But then there’s people like me. I’m a scythe meister. My name is Gaia and I hunt kishins with my partner Azure the lucario. Our job is to hunt the kishin and protect humanity.

“Gaia I’m getting bored.” Azure said with a sigh.

“Relax Azure. It’ll only be a few minutes longer.” I said.

We had been waiting because we heard a kishin was in the area and we were sent to kill it. We didn’t need to wait much longer.

More souls….more power….” A voice said.

We looked down the alley as the kishin came around the corner. It had large claws and it had a mutilated looking face and body. It saw us and readied its claws.

Finally….fresh souls…” It said.

“Azure, would you please?” I asked.

“On it Gaia.” Azure replied.

She became cloaked in a bright blue light and changed into her weapon form as the light faded, revealing a guitar with a large scythe blade attached to the end of it and the tuners looked like aura sensors. The kishin looked at the weapon in my hand and decided to attack anyway, hungry for more souls. I grabbed the bridge of the guitar and swung it, blocking the kishin’s claws with the body. Then I quickly switched directions and swung the guitar the other way, impaling the scythe blade into the kishin’s back causing it to shout in pain. I used the blade to force it to its knees and readied my pick as I struck a chord on the guitar, sending a blast of aura through the blade. The aura formed into deadly spikes, stabbing the kishin in various parts of its body. The kishin glew bright red and its body vanished, leaving the soul floating in the air.

“There we go. It’s all yours Azure.” I said.

Azure changed back to her normal form and grabbed the soul, stuffing it into her mouth and swallowing it whole.

“Thanks Gaia~ It was delicious~” Azure said happily.

“You’re welcome. Come on, let’s go call Lady Death and see what we need to do next.” I said.

Azure nodded and we walked over to a window. I breathed on it, causing it to fog up then wrote the numbers 42-42-564 and the window suddenly flashed with a bright light and when the light faded we saw Lady Death, the reaper absol, standing there.

“Hello Lady Death. Job’s done.” I said.

“Good to hear Gaia. Your next job is to investigate a supposed witch sighting. Good news is the intel seems good. Bad news is there might be a possible mix up.” Lady Death said.

“Wait. How bad of a mix up?” I asked.

“Well….I suppose you heard about that one cat that seemed to have magical power but it wasn’t a witch?” Death asked.

“….Yes….Why do I not like where this is going?” I asked.

“As I understand it, someone who’s skilled at magic but isn’t a witch was seen there as well. So it’s possible it was a simple mix up and this will be a waste of time.” Death explained.

“Fine. We’ll go check it out.” I said.

Death nodded and hung up.

I used the mirror to open a portal to wherever Lady Death set it and me and Azure walked through. We came out by an old shopping mall and looked around to see a group of people walking around with spray cans. Azure quickly put on a humanizing ring, knowing that pokextinction was out and about.

“You think maybe this mix up could just be a changing pokeuman?” Azure asked.

“It’s possible. We could very well have a new pokeuman and it probably accidentally used a move or something and it got mistaken for witch’s magic.” I said.

“Well pokextinction’s looking so it’s as good a theory as any. Let’s see what we can find.” Azure said.

I nodded and we started looking around. After hours of searching through the mall and finding nothing we decided to head up to the roof where Azure took her humanizing ring off and closed her eyes, concentrating as her aura sensors rose up.

“Let me know if you find them Azure.” I said.

“Will do Gaia. Give me a few minutes here.” Azure said.

I looked around and paused as I thought I saw someone slip behind the stairwell Azure and I walked onto the roof from.

“Azure?” I asked.

Azure broke her concentration and looked at me. “Yeah Gaia?”

“Would you like to hear some music?” I asked, motioning to the stairwell.

Azure nodded, understanding what was going on and changed into her weapon form. I grabbed the guitar and got ready, creeping towards the stairwell. I quickly jumped around to find a 13 year old girl, cowering on the corner of the roof.

“S-Stay away! Don’t come near me!” She said obviously frightened.

“It’s okay. We don’t hurt humans. Only kishins. Are you okay?” I asked.

“N-no…..I started growing purple fur and then I got a headache and stuff started levitating and I was moving things with my mind and then people got out spray cans and started chasing me……I just wanna go home!” She said, on the verge of tears.

I walked over to her and picked her up, noticing the purple fur on her arm.

“It’s alright. My name’s Gaia and this is my partner Azure.” I said as Azure changed back to her normal form.

“She’s….a lucario…..why are pokemon real!?” The girl asked loudly.

“Calm down. I’ll let Lady Death explain later. For now, what’s your name?”

“R-Rachel….” She said.

“Alright Rachel. Well right now home is not a safe place for you. I’m gonna take you to Death City okay?” I asked.

“W-what’s Death City?.....Why can’t I go home?......” Rachel asked, letting tears flow down her cheeks.

“Because you’re not human anymore. You’re turning into a pokemon like Azure. Death City is a place you can be safe. Just hold onto me and we’ll get you out of here.” I said.

Rachel seemed to be in thought for a moment then hugged me tightly.

“Thank you….”

“Anytime. Azure we’ll need you to cover us.” I said.

“Got it.” Azure said.

I led Rachel and Azure down the stairs back into the mall and we quickly found a window. I quickly used it to open a portal to Death City and Rachel, Azure, and I went through. We ended up right outside of the Death Weapon Meister Academy. We were home.
So after a while of looking at the original A Sound Soul I was tired of it looking too much like the original show so I decided to rewrite it. Now this is more plot development than anything else but it's only a prologue. I hope to have bigger and better chapters in the future. Enjoy and until next time, sayonara.
© 2013 - 2024 Elemental-wyvern
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